Ola! After 5 years, I've abandoned this blog. If you want more, go to boscoh.com


First glimpse of another planet

Sure astronomers believe other planets exist. But finally, someone has managed to photograph one. A bunch of international astronomers, working at the Very Large Telescope (it's a real name) at the European Southern Observatory in the Atacama Desert in Chile, thinks they've photographed the very first planet outside our solar system:

The red spot is the planet, a giant that is four times bigger than Jupiter. As they say an image is worth a thousand words, an optical photograph is worth a thousand spectroscopic radiation analyses. The sun, dubbed 2MASSWJ1207334-393254 or "2M1207" to his friends, is a small brown-dwarf, a sun that failed to light up properly. According to spectroscopic analysis, water is found on the planet, a sure sign that it is cool and planet-like.


I'll borrow that for a dollar

Open source software is free, right?

Public libraries are also free, right?

Then how hard would it be to give out open-source software in public libraries?

Well it turns out to be much harder than expected. Librarians deal with all sorts of issues in accepting things for a library. Being free is only one of many complex considerations that librarians consider. In this article, Bob Kerr shows how to mediate the interests of the open-source advocate and the public librarian.

I am now closer to understanding the American Mind

America, "we are one (warning:audio)" !


The Wolf is really the friend of Tree

Ecology is a rather young science, being more the province of the leisurely hiker than the hard-nosed sceptic. Often ecological writings are wishy-washy and vague. In contrast, this Scientific American article recounts a very specific and surprising example of the impact of a single species on a particular ecology. William J. Ripple, professor of botany at Oregon State University, has been studying the reintroduction of wolves into Yellowstone National Park.

In Yellowstone, the last wolf died out in the 1920's, which lead to the overpopulation of the elk population in Yellowstone. The engorged elk population exerted a severe pressure on the ecosystem. In 1995, to control the elk population, wolves from Canada were reintroduced back into Yellowstone.

As expected, the wolves quickly reduced the elk population. What was not expected was that the trees would come back just as quickly.

Elks, when they do not have to worry about wolves, are indiscriminate eaters, happy to munch on any vegetation they can find. Scared elks graze differently. Instead of dining lazily on delicate river-side vegatation in the Lamar Valley, scared elks must dine on higher ground where they can keep a look-out for wolves - wolves that smack their lusty lips at the thought of elk-meat.

During the 1920's, when the elks could eat indisriminately, magnificent trees, such as aspens and cottonwoods, stopped regenerating. Without the wolves running around in the park, when the elks got the pick of young juicy treelings. But now that the wolves back in town, the elks can't eat just anywhere, they have to watch their back like mafia gangsters dining on pasta in their favourite diner in Little Italy. The elks have to avoid exposed areas, the areas that treelings like to spread their leaves to grow.

Thanks to the wolves, young aspens and cottonwoods trees are sprouting all over the Lamar Valley again. And so, the moral of the story is: discriminate meat-eating is the best possible thing you could do to save the trees.

Offices that squeeze your Creative Juice

Joel Spolsky has his list of desiderata for programming office-space. And so does IBM (pdf).

Publishing Contract Land Mines

Dave Taylor provides a fascinating interpretation of clauses in publishing contracts.

Tourniqueting the financial bleeding at the NIH

After much gnashing of teeth, the mighty National Institute of Health has seen the light, and made open access an official requirement of NIH-funded research.

"Beginning May 2, 2005, NIH-funded investigators are requested to submit to PubMed Central (PMC) an electronic version of the author’s final manuscript upon acceptance for publication, resulting from research supported in whole or in part, with direct costs from NIH. The author’s final manuscript is defined as the final version accepted for journal publication, and includes all modifications from the publishing peer review process."
Not one minute too soon. For too long, scientific publishers, like Elsevier CEO Crispin Davis, have been leeching their 30% net profit from the scientific comuunity (compare that to the 5-10% in the rest of the publishing industry). Crispin Davis paid his dues in companies such as Proctor & Gamble, Guinness and Aegis, a midsize European buyer of ad space, where he, no doubt, learnt the values of publicly-funded research. The financial value that is.

They walk amongst us

They walk amongst us, deadly but silent.
They are frightening.
They are Zogg!!

More Classic Science Done on Rats

Will they ever stop? Andersen et. co. were not satisfied with tormenting young rats with cocaine and sleep-deprivation in order to see how that affects their ability to get-it-up, now they want to find out the same in old rats...

Does paradoxical sleep deprivation and cocaine induce penile erection and ejaculation in old rats? [link]
Andersen ML, Bignotto M, Machado RB, Tufik S
Addict Biol. 2002 Jul ; 7(3): 285-90

"To discover whether the same effects occurred in old animals ..."

"...we administered cocaine (15 mg/kg) to young (3-month) and old (22-month) male rats after a 4-day period of PSD [paradoxical sleep deprivation] ..."

"...we then evaluated erections and ejaculations."

"...in conclusion, our results suggest that although genital reflexes usually decrease with age, testosterone levels alone cannot account for these changes..."


Stitch n'Bitch: The Many Ways of Joining Strings in Python

Oliver Crow has written an interesting analysis of the many different ways of stitching strings together in Python. The benchmark results are rather surprising.


How many letters can fit on the head of a pin?

Everything and more on topics like: the optimal size of fonts for reading; or how many letters should fit on the width of a line.

Wolfowitz removes the fig leaf

George Monbiot, one of the most insightful writers of the left has argued that the appointment of the neocon hawk Wolfowitz to the head of the World Bank, is, in fact, the best thing to happen for progressive causes. Monbiot argues that the World Bank, has never in its history, promoted human development in the third world.

The World Bank has always been a tool of US economic unilaterism, where the US power of veto makes a gimp out of the World Bank, a fact that is "clevely packaged to grant other nations just enough slack to prevent them from fighting it." This is something that the neocons are too stupid to understand, and thus, by appointing Wolfitz, the neocons are replacing "a hegemonic system that is enduring and effective with one that is untested and (because other nations must fight it) unstable." Great read.

Hispanic high-school kids kicks MIT's ass

This is a true story of how 4 hispanic high-school kids from Phoenix kicked the ass of M.I.T. in the recent Navy underwater bot competition. If there is any PG-13 story begging to be made into a film, this is it. Hey, you could bring back James Olmos and make Stand and Deliver II. But the story doesn't end yet: as the kids are undocumented, they're not eligible for state scholarship subsidies. Any one of these kids would be worth 100 trust-fund kiddies in the american university system. But hey, we all know that equal "opportunities" is a convenient fiction.

Iranian policewomen action

Puts a whole new meaning to caped crusader fights crime. Move over spiderman. Follow the advice of the Iranian newsreader, "the policewomen are very serious. Take a look"


Testestorene in Sport can make you Blind

In this week's game in the English football Premiership between Newcastle and Aston Villa, Newcastle got three players sent off. Now you might think Aston Villa were being provacatively aggressive, but no, as you can see:

Look how an Aston Villa player is bravely trying to pry apart the two feuding Newcastle players.