Ola! After 5 years, I've abandoned this blog. If you want more, go to boscoh.com


Art Schools versus Science Schools

Today, I had a conversation with two friends, an architect and a painter, and we started talking about psychologically disturbed people to be found in art school. (They both went to the former CCAC, now known as the CCA).

At the end of an anecdote, my painter friend concluded that there must be a lot of people with border-line personality disorder amongst art-school students. My architect friend added that, when she went to the CCAC, the psychological distresses of art-school was so severe that the CCAC had round-the-clock counselors to service troubled art-school students.

That got me thinking, whilst studying physics, I didn't meet many border-line psychotics, but I did know a lot of socially dysfunctional people. Boys who couldn't interact with normal people, who couldn't emphasize with other people's emotion, let alone recognize emotions, or make eye contact. In short, in science schools, there was a surfeit of borderline autistics.

In conclusion, one can say that art-schools breed border-line psychosis, whilst science schools breed autism.


A Poetic Form: The Pantoum

I was introduced to a new poetic form the other day. It's called the Pantoum, and it's one of the most brilliant forms I've encountered. It originates from Malaysian, often used in song form, and it goes something like this:

First line
Second Line
Third Line
Fourth Line

Last Second Line
New Second Line
Last Fourth Line
New Fourth Line


Last Second Line
Original Second Line
Last Fourth Line
Original First Line

The structured repetitions produce a hypnotic trance state. I will try to find examples of them.


What no American man has

"He could almost have been an American, but I could tell straight away that he wasn't. He had what no American man I've ever met has had, and that's intuition."

~ Sylvia Plath, "The Bell Jar"


Self-referential promotion letter

Recently (as in the last two years) I published papers in the journals, BMC Structural Biology and Protein Science. It appears that BMC Structural Biology trawls through the authors of Protein Science, and spams these authors to get them interested in their journal, BMC Structural Biology. I got one of those emails:

Dear Dr Ho,

We noticed that you recently published an article in Protein Science. As an active researcher publishing in the field of structural biology, have you considered publishing in BMC Structural Biology?...

Who is BMC Structural Biology?

BMC Structural Biology boasts a wide, international readership. More than 4,900 users have signed up to receive email alerts, and last month alone articles in BMC Structural Biology were accessed over 3,500 times from our website, and many times via the PubMed Central website.

Seems a reputable journal. But it's open-source. It's too new. To assuage my worries and fears, BMC Structural Biology sent me a worthy example of one of their popular recent articles:

For example, this article by Ho and Brasseur has been accessed 205 times in the past 30 days:

Research article
The Ramachandran plots of glycine and pre-proline
Bosco K Ho, Robert Brasseur
BMC Structural Biology 2005, 5:14 (16 August 2005)

This article looked vaguely familiar. That author Bosco K Ho, he looks like ...

Why, that's me!

They were trying to entice me into submitting an article to them by showing me an article that I had already written, for them.

...Why not submit your next research article to BMC Structural Biology?...

Why not indeed.. oh, I already have.



The latest blog that has captured my rapt attention is hipsterotica. I see hipsters all around in the Mission, here in San Francisco. They're like pigeons, pecking crumbs off the ground and swarming away when little kids try to catch them. Imagine if they had sex.


U2: With or Without You

U2's "with or without you" is one of the greatest song ever written - it's a song that tears at your heart and then shreds it into a thousand pieces. I've seen various versions of them performing it, but never quite like this. If rock-stars are the gods of the secular era then the girl that was pulled-up unto the stage, got to make love with a fallen god, in front of 50,000 people. Cry girl. Cry.

Les livres françaises

Je suis recemment allé à Montreal où j'ai pu achêté des livres françaises. C'etait vraiment un longtemp que je peux le faire. Après une grande peine de reflechir, j'ai choisi:

  • Marcel Proust, À l'ombre des jeunes filles en fleurs
  • Iegor Gran, Ipso facto
  • Jean-Pierre Changeux, L'homme neuronal
  • Jacques Derrida, L'écriture et la différence
  • Shan Sa, Impératrice
  • Marguerite yourcenar, L'Œuvre au Noir
  • Nelly Arcan, Putain


Best title in a Science magazine article, ever

Washing Away Your Sins: Threatened Morality and Physical Cleansing
Chen-Bo Zhong and Katie Liljenquist
Science 8 September 2006: 1451-1452

Physical cleansing has been a focal element in religious ceremonies for thousands of years. The prevalence of this practice suggests a psychological association between bodily purity and moral purity. In three studies, we explored what we call the "Macbeth effect"—that is, a threat to one's moral purity induces the need to cleanse oneself. This effect revealed itself through an increased mental accessibility of cleansing-related concepts, a greater desire for cleansing products, and a greater likelihood of taking antiseptic wipes. Furthermore, we showed that physical cleansing alleviates the upsetting consequences of unethical behavior and reduces threats to one's moral self-image. Daily hygiene routines such as washing hands, as simple and benign as they might seem, can deliver a powerful antidote to threatened morality, enabling people to truly wash away

Only in San Francisco

A while ago, a friend dragged me off on a Friday night, out to the burbs, to see a show that had San Francisco plastered all over it. It was the Peaches Christ "Midnight Mass", an alternative religious festival to coincide (fortuitously) with the Christian festival of Easter.

Who is Peaches Christ? She is a transvestite cabaret performer, a consummate entertainer. She is her own institution, a dynamo of sneering attitude and arch campness. She is a large woman, with, obviously, the frame of a man, and with a huge hairdo, and thick garish makeup, she was more god than human. She owned the stage. In the show that I saw, she entered the stage but bursting out of volcano, complete with flames and crumbling plaster.

Every year, Peaches Christ puts on a number of movies that score through the roof on the camp scale. As the movies are shown at midnight and involve a pre-movie cabaret show, the cinema which hosts the event is waaay out in the outer Richmond, and we had to get there by taxi (taxis in San Francisco are not all like taxis in nyc, they are expensive and infrequent).

That night's show was based on scenes from Showgirls and also involved a free lap-dance at the end of the cabaret act (more on the lap-dance). The cabaret show took crucial scenes from the movie - in this case, it was the masterful dialogue from screen-wright Joe "My adolescent sex-fantasy" Ezterzas - and took the scenes to their logical conclusion. The one that stuck in my mind was where the feuding show-girls were reminiscing about their childhoods where one of the girls admitted that she was once so poor that she had to eat dog-food. "You too," squealed the other show-girl, as they shared their stories about their favourite dog-food. Peaches Christ and friend then replayed the scene which ended up with the two of them eating dog-food on stage and then fisting each other under strobe lights. You get the idea.

At the end of the cabaret set, we were treated to the real draw-card of the show, the free lap-dance for everyone who had a box of pop-corn. Shamefully, I have to admit that I had to hide my box of pop-corn, because the thought of getting a lap-dance from a heavy set bearded transvestite was somewhat unsettling. Call me a prude if you must. Except it was much much worse. We were first asked to raise our box of pop-corn. About a hundred people raised their pop-corn, there was going to be a lot of lap-dances a coming. Then the lap-dancers were brought up. The first one was what you might imagine, a femmy looking transvestite, that thin sleek androgynous looking tranny in tight tight clothing.

After that, my mind was blown. The other lap-dancers included: an abraham lincoln look-alike in suspenders and pants, a large person in a suit and wearing a bunny head, large bearded men, someone in a green martian suit, some very drunk people in stripped stockings... and so the list went on. And just when you'd seen it all, the very last lap-dancer was introduced, who made everybody in the audience gasp. This lap-dancer was a short stocky woman in a full burkha.


Glimpse into the glorious past (1665) of science

The Royal Society of England, the most venerable scientific institution in the world, has just release online, the archive of their journal, Philosophical Transactions, which dates back from the year of our lord, 1665.

They will allow free access for non-sciencey peoples for the next two months. So check out those musty pdf's. Guardian blogs have provided links to some classic papers that can be found in the Royal Society archive.


Culinary desire

This is a writing exercise that I didn't know what to with, except to post it here:

If I don't eat at the French Laundry my life would not be complete. But how to get there. I don't have a car. It's not near public transport. Nor do I have filthy lucre, I don't have a sugar daddy. The mechanics of the deal is simple. Ring up exactly 6-months to the day that you want to go, and book a table. Keep ringing and ringing until they pick up the phone. But it seems so far away, some undetermined time in the future, like some kind of spy-thriller novel, "Igor, I will meet you on the Steps of Rome, in 6 months time". It's a restaurant for god's sake, not state secrets of inner Siberia. Perhaps I can with Igor. I've got to go with someone. Someone, preferably, no necessarily, with a car. For that drive up to that place up in the middle of the country-side. People with cars, who like to eat. You know, maybe I should just advertise on Craigslist, and offer something in return.


Time-lapsed video of 160 hot-air balloons

This is beautiful and wonderfully ridiculous at the same time


A Smear of Blood

Whining, you wriggle in my nose
You loop in my ear canal
Striking always in the moments before sleep

I can't take it

I want to snatch you up
Smash your face
Just like that
Then crumple you with my fingers
into a mixture of pus and blood leaving a tiny little stain of red
I rub that smear of insect paste into my cheeks Like rouge
I feel the cool of new death on my skin

It is not unpleasant

It calms
It feels like sacrament
Like the fist time I touched a dead body, I have violated the living
The breathing and the dead are separated by a film so thin but impenetrable
I run my fingertips along its surface
before long, I can longer tell
where my warm body begins from where the dead insect ends
My blood coagulates
The tracery of my veins harden into marble